After Completion of Endodontic Treatment
Is it normal to have some discomfort after treatment
Some discomfort may be experienced following your procedure. Your tooth can be sensitive to biting and chewing for 7- 10 days. We recommend that you start with soft foods gradually progressing to solid foods. Do not bite on hard food with the treated tooth. Do not be surprised if you cannot eat with this tooth for 7- 10 days.
Notify our office if you have any of the following:
- Increased pain after 4 days.
- Visible swelling after 3-4 days.
What if I have swelling?
In rare cases swelling can occur after endodontic treatment. The area surrounding the tooth will become swollen and it can be very painful. This is your body’s reaction to the bacteria that escaped the root canal system during treatment. It is a treatable condition and it will not affect the overall outcome of your root canal. Call our office immediately if you have any of the above mentioned symptoms. You will need antibiotics and sometimes even an office visit to drain the infection
What can I take to help with the discomfort?
To prevent pain and discomfort we recommend taking 400 mg of Ibuprofen ( Advil, Motrin) together with 500 mg Acetaminophen (Tylenol) extra strength every 6 hours. We recommend that you follow this regimen strictly for the first 48 hours.
If you have sensitivity or allergies to any of these medications do not take them.
How many pills is that?
Over-the-counter dose for Ibuprofen: 200 mg per tablet (2 tablets regular strength 200 mg = 400 mg). Over-the-counter dose for Extra-Strength acetaminophen: 500 mg per tablet
What if I am given a medication?
If other medications were prescribed, take them as directed.
Do I have to wait to eat?
If a temporary filling has been placed in the opening created during your root canal treatment, please do not eat for one to two hours to allow this temporary filling to harden. It is not unusual for a thin layer to wear off in-between appointments. However, if you think the entire filling has come out, contact our office.
After the root canal, does the tooth need more treatment?
You will need to return to your general dentist for a permanent filling or crown on your tooth. Your dentist will receive a copy of your final x-rays from us.
Can I call if I have a question?
Please call if you have any questions.
Dr. Naghmeh Vadovic
During Business Hours: (613) 722-3636
After Hours (Emergencies only please): (613) 890-4716
Dr. Anne-Marie Sancey
During Business Hours: (613) 722-3636
After Hours (Emergencies only please): (418) 262-6768
Are There Any Potential Problems After Treatment?
- Lower teeth and nerve injury. There is a slight possibility that nerve injury can occur during root canal surgery to the lower posterior teeth. Your endodontist is trained to assess this possibility prior to treatment and will advise you accordingly. For lower posterior teeth, the root tips may be near a nerve that supplies feeling to the lip, chin and gums. Your endodontist is trained to design your surgery to minimize the chances of damaging this nerve. Rarely, this nerve can become irritated during the process of surgery. In these cases, when the local anesthesia wears off, you may experience tingling, altered sensation or, in rare cases a complete lack of feeling in the affected tissues. Should this occur, it is usually temporary and will resolve over a period of days, weeks or months. In rare cases, these changes can be permanent and/or painful.
- Upper teeth and sinus communication. The upper teeth are situated near your sinuses, and root canal surgery can result in a communication between your mouth and the adjacent sinus. Should this complication occur, it will usually heal spontaneously. We will give you special instructions if this is apparent at the time of surgery. We prefer that you don’t blow your nose for two to three days after surgery. If you have to sneeze, you should sneeze with an open mouth into a tissue. You should not create any pressure in the sinus area. If you sense a complication after surgery, please contact us.
- Post-operative infections. Post-operative infections occasionally occur. This usually requires just an office visit and examination. Many times taking antibiotics will take care of the infection. Occasionally, other follow-up procedures will be needed.
If you have any questions, please call our office at 613-722-ENDO (3636)